Why Not Go Green?

Your voices have been heard, and many companies are now going green due to the pressure they’re receiving from you, the consumer. They are beginning to understand that people want to buy products from companies that don’t cause unnecessary harm to the environment, and will adjust accordingly in order to keep your business. Here at Go Green Lawn Services, we’re pleased to see that other companies are getting the hint. As they say, “There is no time like the present,” and now is the time for this much-needed change toward greener practices.

Why Are Companies Going Green?

While companies are certainly going green partially to keep your business, there are also several other reasons they’re switching to more environmentally-friendly business tactics, such as: 

  • Reduced Waste: Cutting down on preventable waste costs will make a business more efficient and ultimately save it money. From turning off lights in vacant parking lots to refilling ink cartridges rather than throwing them away, cutting these smalls costs have added up and become too much for many companies to ignore.
  • Tax Advantages: Tax credits and incentives are available for businesses at the state and federal level. In many cases, companies can profit from going green.
  • Stricter Standards and Regulations: At both the state and federal levels, there has been a push for companies to go green, including new regulations. Many companies are now being forced to go green in order to comply with state standards, like GE, which has incorporated green technology into their facilities to meet standards that were set by the state.
  • Happier Work Environment: Green products in the workplace can also make for a happier office environment. Not only will employees be protected from respiratory and other health problems caused by harsh chemicals, but they’re happy to be employed by such forward-thinking companies. 

Go Green Isn’t Just Our Name, It’s Our Philosophy

We believe that every industry and company should be concerned about preserving their communities for future generations. We’ve been green long before the tax incentives and government regulations, and pride ourselves on being a business you can trust. We use organic fertilizers and bio-stimulants that are safe for your family and the environment. This means that we create healthy, thick lawns of green grass, without causing unnecessary harm to our community. So regardless of your reasons, we encourage you to join us in the effort to become more environmentally responsible.

Learn more about our organic lawn care services, or give us a call!