Easy Ways to Improve Your Health in 2016

2016 is just around the corner and if you’re anything like us, you’ve got some healthy resolutions in your future—especially after the oh-so-indulgent holiday season! But since some things are easier said than done, we thought we’d invite you to join us as we incorporate some small, yet powerful, ways to improve our health in the New Year. Check out a few of our ideas!

Kick Artificial Sweeteners

Sure it says diet, sugar-free, or zero-calorie, but does that really mean it’s good for us? Studies have shown that not only do artificial sweeteners turn you on to sugar cravings, but they ultimately increase your insulin and blood sugar levels, too. So over time, you may find yourself fighting the bulge all over again instead of truly getting healthy.
Tip: Instead of all the extra additives, try snacking on all-natural sugars in moderation, like watermelon, orange juice, and naturally fruit-infused waters. Or even consider adding cinnamon or honey to dishes to enhance natural sweetness and skip the fake stuff!

Embrace the Power of Coffee

Java-fans rejoice—your morning cup isn’t just for pick-me-ups! Coffee is packed with antioxidants and vitamins and, when consumed in moderation, can help burn fat and decrease the risk of Type II Diabetes. Caffeinated or decaffeinated, this beverage is one of the most enjoyable ways to boost your health in 2016!
Tip: Avoid the sugars and heavy creams and sweeten your cup naturally with cinnamon or almond milk. Or try a few drops of natural vanilla extract and a handful of ice cubes to get a coffee house experience at home!

Get Off Your Butt!

The results are in: sitting is so 2015! That’s because recent studies have shown that sitting all day, whether at your desk, on your commute, or in front of the TV, is directly linked to increased risk of cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. And even worse, health experts are saying that daily exercise won’t reverse the damage, because chronic sitting is actually an independent health risk.
Tip: Add intermittent periods of movement throughout your day to counteract the dangers of sitting. Doctors suggest getting at least 5 minutes of activity per hour of sitting, with activities like brisk walks or full-body stretches.

Go Green

Organic goods and products are no longer a trend—they’re here to stay, and more beneficial and affordable than ever! Everything from food and beauty items to clothing and cleaning products can be found in an organic alternative. And since benefits include avoiding harmful chemicals and pesticides, eliminating farm pollution, and building healthier soil, option for organic is a win-win for yourself and your environment!
Tip: Harness the power of organic soil and enjoy the benefits of a healthier, lusher lawn and garden, and a safer yard for you and your family. Find out how Go Green can enrich your soil and improve root growth with our organic lawn care solutions!
So now that we’ve made it a little easier for you to tackle those resolutions, we hope you’ll join us in making solid steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Cheers to you, your well-being, and happy and safe New Year!