Make a Small Backyard Seem Bigger

If you take pride in your landscape, you may feel suffocated by its limited size. With a little innovation and creativity, however, there are solutions to make a small yard feel a lot bigger. By following these simple tips, your small landscape will transform into a space you can enjoy.

4 Small-Space Solutions From Landscape Professionals


1. Create zones

Having simple edging in your landscape is a great way to create borders in your yard. Borders allow you to separate one zone from another, adding depth. You can also build small walls to section off different parts of your yard, or add horizontal layers. Consider patios, stairs, or tiered planters to maximize space and give the visual appearance of different zones. 

2. Think vertically

Don’t just use fences, walls or other barriers as borders – utilize those spaces! When you’re limited horizontally, making use of vertical space with vines or vertical gardens can make an enormous impact. All you need are tin cans and hangers if you have a fence, or a wooden trellis if you don’t. There are also tall, thin trees that don’t require much maintenance, like pleached trees or even bamboo that add greater visual appeal and height to plain borders. 

3. Use similar shapes

Mixing squares with circles makes the mind feel cluttered. If your patio is square or rectangular, use square tables. If you have a walkway that has rounded edges, try using circular tables. 

4. Create a destination or focal point

Create new depth in a small landscape by giving you and your guests a place to go or something in particular to look at. Having a walkway that leads to a table and chairs, or chairs around a fire pit, will make the yard seem more inviting and spacious. A focal point will organically draw your eye’s attention, and help your outdoor area feel tidy and orderly. 


Even if your yard is small, it takes a lot of time and effort to create and maintain a beautiful landscape. Here at Go Green, we enjoy discussing landscape ideas and helping our customers achieve the lawn dreams. If you’re ready to start your next landscaping or hardscaping project, get a free estimate today.